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Category «VmWare»

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Fixing the broken/corrupt Locker Partition on Esxi

Sometimes can occur an esxi corrupted partition that can appear with error mounting vmware tools iso To resolve this issue, you must connect via ssh to host and than follow the below guide commands: ls -ltrh / | grep store vmkfstools -P /vmfs/volumes/5cdce747-375af1f6-b185-0050569674de Output: ls -ltrh / | grep store lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 …

Intel CPU EVC Matrix (VMware Enhanced vMotion Compatibility)

Intel uses a model named “Tick-Tock” to follow every microarchitectural change with a die shrink. This results in having two EVC baselines for every microarchitecture. I’ve created a small table with a quick overview about EVC Modes with their appropriate CPU Series and Codenames used by Intel to denote their CPUs. I’ve also included additional Codenames that …

2gbsparse doesn’t work on ESXi 5.1

2gbsparse does work, but you’ll need to enable a VMkernel module (looks like it’s disabled in 5.1 by default) but there’s also mention of this in vSphere 5.1 release notes   # Load multiextent module esxcli system module load -m multiextent

Adaptec 3805 CIM for ESXi5

Install CIM provider 7.30 attached (downloaded from Adaptec web site) cim_vmware_v7_30_18837 esxcli software vib install -f -v file:/vmfs/volume/datastore1/filename.vib Open ESXi firewall to CIM provider port Create symbolic link on esxi ln -s /dev/aac0 /dev/aac I have not yet checked what happens on esxi reboot if link is lost (I think)

Updating ESXi 5 – Single use esxcli

01: Make sure you have the vMA 5.0 or the vCLI installed and configured or that you have ESXi Shell access on the ESXi 5 host. 02: Download the patch bundle directly from VMware Support. This download will be .zip file. Do not extract it. 03: Upload the .zip file to a datastore that is …

Sun StorageTek 2540 and ESX troubleshooting

We experienced a few issues with the StorageTek 2540 array that forms the core of our SAN recently. The symptom was that the array flagged itself as being in a degraded state and that one or more volumes were not assigned to the preferred controller.   The first step was to upgrade the SAN firmware …

Configuring SNMP on ESXi 4.1 via the vSphere CLI 4.1

1) Download the vSphere CLI 4.1 and install 2) From the VMware vSphere CLI command line, type: –server ESXIHOSTIP -c COMMUNITYNAME -p 161 -t DESTINATIONHOSTIP@161/COMMUNITYNAME 3) Enabling agent –server ESXIHOSTIP  –E