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Category «Windows»

How to delete snapshot with wmic

Sometimes if you try to delete shadow copy with vssadmin you will fail, in this case you can use the following procedure.   Start an elevated commandline window Type in wmic and press enter wmic:root\cli is shown Type in shadowcopy which will list the current shadow copies Type in shadowcopy delete and confirm to delete …

Redirect http to https web page on IIS7

Firstly install URL Rewrite from here. Then open web.config of website you want redirect and add the following rule between the rules tag <rule name=”HTTP to HTTPS redirect” enabled=”true” stopProcessing=”true”> <match url=”(.*)” /> <conditions> <add input=”{HTTPS}” pattern=”off” ignoreCase=”true” /> </conditions> <action type=”Redirect” redirectType=”Found” url=”https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}” /> </rule>

Removing WPAD from DNS block list

If you want to implement proxy auto discovery, you also need to create wpad dns record. In Windows 2008 this host record are blocked and dns server will not resolve this query. You need to issue the following command to remove the block: dnscmd /config /globalqueryblocklist

Adding a disk to a Windows 2008 Failover Cluster using cluster.exe commands

This isn’t specific to multi-site clustering, but I’ve certainly had to use this many times when adding devices to my multi-site clusters. Adding disks to a multi-site Windows 2008 cluster is not as easy as it should be. In Windows 2008, Microsoft has added some new “logic” while adding disk resources to a cluster. In …

LUNs presented from a CLARiiON array to a host are read only

Knowledgebase Solution    Environment:  Product: CLARiiON Environment:  EMC SW: Navisphere Manager Environment:  EMC SW: Replication Manager Problem:  LUNs are read only when allocated to a host from Navisphere. Problem:  LUNs presented to host are read only. Change:  Customer added the LUN to a Storage Group from Navisphere. Root Cause:  When a Replication Manager job runs, it …

How to calc Robocopy IPG

Robocopy’s “inter-packet gap” (IPG) option allows some control over the network bandwidth utilized in a session. In theory, the following formula expresses the delay (D, in milliseconds) required to simulate a desired bandwidth (BD, in kilobits per second), over a network link with an available bandwidth of BA kbps: