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Powershell script to import LDAP object into exchange contact

Whith this powershell script, it’s possible to import external ldap object into active directory mail-contact.

Exchange will parse and create a list of contact available for everyone.

The script will clear all OU before importing.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
#load Exchange pssnapin
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn
#load Assembly DirectoryServices
$body = ""
foreach ($OU in $OUS)
	#load user and password to logon in Openldap
	$count = 0
	$UserName = "uid=reader,ou=users,dc=test,dc=eu"  
	$Password = "CgtCat34"
	$BODY= $body + "`n Processing OU "+$OU+"`n"
	$filter = "(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)"
	#Insert openLDAP source server and the OU of the company created in this openLDAP 
	$domain = "LDAP://"+$OU+",dc=test,dc=eu"

	#Launch the search in the openLDAP
	$root = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domain,$UserName,$Password,'FastBind')
	$query = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root,$filter)
	$objuser = $query.findall()
	#write-host "NO ERROR"
	get-mailcontact -ResultSize Unlimited -OrganizationalUnit ("OU="+$OU+",OU=LDAP-XXX,DC=TEST,DC=local") -filter {CustomAttribute11 -ne $null}|set-mailcontact -CustomAttribute11 ""
	Start-Sleep -s 30 #delay of 30 seconds to let AD to replicate the contact in the DCS servers

	#search user by user in the openLDAP ou
	foreach ($user in $objUser.GetEnumerator()) {
		#this counter is only a security counter and for testing porpouses, in case of you dont want to launch all users at the same time
		if ($count -ge 0) #insert the number of users you want to import
			write-host "-------------------------------------------------------"
			#select the mail of the user in openLDAP
			if ($ -eq $null)
				write-host "the contact has empty email address" $
				$smtpmail = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ProxyAddress]("$($")		

		if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($smtpmail.SmtpAddress))) # check if the smtp field is not empty
		$mail = $smtpmail.SmtpAddress        
		write-host $
		If ([string]$ -ne (Get-MailContact ([string]$ -ErrorAction silentlycontinue)) #check if the user exist in the AD yet   
			If ( (get-mailcontact -ResultSize Unlimited  -OrganizationalUnit ("OU="+$OU+",OU=LDAP-XXX,DC=TEST,DC=local") -filter {WindowsEmailAddress -eq $mail}) -eq $null ) 
				write-host "the contact doesnt exist, I create it"
				#change the OU where the contacts will be created in your AD, changing "-organizationalunit" property
				New-MailContact -Name $ -DisplayName $ -FirstName $ -LastName $ -OrganizationalUnit ("OU="+$OU+",OU=LDAP-XXX,DC=TEST,DC=local") -ExternalEmailAddress $mail #-Alias $_.mailNickname
				Start-Sleep -s 30 #delay of 15 seconds to let AD to replicate the contact in the DCS servers		
				Write-host "update contacts properties.... " $
				Set-Contact -identity ([string]$ -Phone $ -mobilePhone $ -Office $ -Title $ -Department $ -Company $ -city $
				set-Mailcontact -identity ([string]$ -CustomAttribute10 $OU
				Set-Mailcontact -identity ([string]$ -CustomAttribute11 "updated"
				$BODY=$BODY+"ADDED "+$"`n"
				write-host "contact has been renamed"
			write-host "the contact exist"
			Write-host "update contacts properties.... " $
			Set-Contact -identity ([string]$ -Phone $ -mobilePhone $ -Office $ -Title $ -Department $ -Company $ -city $
			Set-Mailcontact -identity ([string]$ -CustomAttribute10 $OU -ForceUpgrade
			Set-Mailcontact -identity ([string]$ -CustomAttribute11 "updated" -ForceUpgrade
			#$BODY=$BODY+"UPDATED "+$"`n"
	#Remove all contact not updated
	Start-Sleep -s 60 #delay of 60 seconds to let AD to replicate the contact in the DCS servers
	Write-host "start removing removed contact.... "
	$removed=get-mailcontact -ResultSize Unlimited  -OrganizationalUnit ("OU="+$OU+",OU=LDAP-XXX,DC=TEST,DC=local") -filter {CustomAttribute11 -eq $null}|% { $_.Name}
	if ($removed) {
		$body = $body + "REMOVED " + ($removed -join "`nREMOVED ")
		$body = $body + "`n------------------------------------------------------`n"
	get-mailcontact -OrganizationalUnit ("OU="+$OU+",OU=LDAP-XXX,DC=TEST,DC=local") -filter {CustomAttribute11 -eq $null}|remove-mailcontact -Confirm:$false
$log = Get-childitem -Filter *.txt c:\users\administrator\Documents | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1
send-mailmessage -from "Administrator <[email protected]>" -to "Test <[email protected]>" -subject "LDAP Import" -attachment C:\users\administrator\Documents\$log -body $BODY -smtpServer
$Daysback = "-7"
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
$DatetoDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback)
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt c:\users\administrator\Documents | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item